Wednesday 7 October 2015


 Picture Writing-2

Brockstolm, seemed to be painted  with lights, carnations and fervour. The hoi polloi were brimming with zeal; the gondolas around the river were getting refurbished- it was a few hours  to the carnival of Fastilavn, in this Danish back-of-beyond countryside. Antithetically, the palace was casted by a pall of gloom. Merida, the queen of the borough, was not in the very best of her moods. The bereaved widow ,caressed her hands over the tapestry of the deceased king. “Got a bee in your bonnet?!Better hang on with that Zoro! “ as she bawled on the pup who went wagging his tail incessantly. The terrier was frantically running away from the mirror as he could sense some eerieness.

Merida, wiped her tears and slogged towards it. A hair-raising apparition was slowly taking a form in the glass  as she concentrated her vision into it. “As truth be told, the Fastilavn night never gets old!”- marked the spirit in a wailing tone. The phantom ,masqueraded with a mask,asked the queen to come near her. “What are you intending to say?”, retarted Merida coldly. “ Gulp this in one go and the coconut will do as it is told!” said the spirit as she offered a concoction of Bloody Mary to the queen. It was exactly a year ago, when king Darius went missing,on this very festival night. The majesty,in her robe stormed her way across the townhall. Forklore said, by striking off the barrel, the most adament of all demons- The Mephistopheles is exorcised and transformed into an inferior life-form. The townhall was swarming with people as Merida was going to break open the cask. It just took her one blow and all the contents of the barrel lay scattered-a coconut, some pins and a scroll. She gathered the broken shell, took out the scroll and started reading it.The Bloody Mary had divulged the ambiguity! The message out of the blank parchment sent a chill down her spine- a fleeting spirit had seized King Darius’ soul ; He, being the camouflaged demon had transmuted into a sickly canine, whom she found trotting in her palace corridors last year-it was Zoro.

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